
Daily v68

Our Father…

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this day, and for this opportunity to spend time with you.

Please guide my prayers so that all I say falls within your will, and may your will, not mine, be done.

Please help me fight off any feelings of dread, despair, or surrender, and help me set my feet upon you, my strong and steady foundation.

Thank you Heavenly Father for all your countless blessings in my life,

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending Your Son to Earth to bring us Your Word, and to bring us Redemption,

Thank you Jesus for taking my place on the cross, for your suffering and shedding Your Blood to pay for my sins and to free me from them

Thank you Heavenly Father for my wife Tracey, and for her healing, health, protection, joy and success

Thank you Heavenly Father for our children Sarah, Mary, John, and Joseph, and for their healing, health, protection, joy, and successes

Thank you Heavenly Father for our grandkids, Alexis, Liam, Thomas, and Hunter, and for their health, protection, joy and success

Thank you Heavenly Father for my parents, Karen and Stephen, and for my brothers Kevin and Stephen. Please Bless my father and brothers will healing, protection, joy, and success,

And please bless my Mother Karen, who was an awesome mom, with Love, Peace, and Joy, and I pray that she is now in Heaven with you!

May I always bring Your Love, Peace, & Joy into the lives of my family, friends, and all I come in contact with, and I ask that you pour out blessings of Health, Happiness & Success onto all of them.

Now my dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask for forgiveness for all my sins.

I have greatly sinned, through my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; all through my own fault

I am sincerely sorry for my sins, and for the people I hurt.

Dear Heavenly Father, I know You desire to forgive every sin in my life, and to restore me completely to a life of perfect friendship with You.

So I now pray for your forgiveness, and for the forgiveness of everyone I’ve wronged or hurt

I know it is through Jesus and His Sacrifice on Calvery that I have already been delivered and set free, and I declare that, I am no longer a slave, I am a child of Almighty God.

Jesus has already defeated Satin in regards to my life. I Know and Believe It! I receive today what the LORD has done. I am not defeated, and I will not quit.

Dear Heavenly Father, I wholeheartedly accept Your gift of forgiveness in my life, and I freely choose to offer this same mercy and forgiveness to everyone.

Thank you Heavenly Father for the BLOOD COVENANT I now have with You. I know that it is through the Blood of Jesus I am delivered, set free, healed, made whole, and protected.

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your unending mercy, and thank You for accepting me back like the prodigal son

My dear Savoir Jesus, thank for take my place on the cross, and suffering in my place to purchase my freedom and redemption.

Thank You Jesus for Your Sacrificial Gift and for saving me. I declare that I am now forever Yours!

Dear Jesus, please help me to be merciful like You are merciful.

Free me from all Bitterness, Resentment, and Offense, so that I may Truly Forgive all from the heart.

Dear Jesus, please be the ruler of my Heart and Thoughts

Dear Jesus please be the King of my Home, Business, and Relationships

Dear Jesus please be the Master of my Work and Service

Dear Jesus, please help me to make Good Use of the Gifts, Talents, Time, and Resources you have given me, all for Your Glory and Your Kingdom.

Dear Jesus, I wholly reject all of my past failures and mistakes, and I plead Your Blood over myself to purge me of anything that is not from You.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over Myself,
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my Family
I plead the Blood of Jesus over our Homes, Properties, and Vehicles
plead the Blood of Jesus over my Business, Equipment, Finances, and everything I have, all of which comes from Almighty God, and all of which belongs to Him.

Dear Holy Spirit, in Jesus’s Name I ask You to bless me with Your gifts of
– Wisdom and Understanding,
– Counsel and Fortitude,
– Knowledge, Reverence, and Piety

Dear Holy Spirit, please help me exchange distractions of the enemy
for a DEEP DESIRE to know God’s Perspective and Plans.

Dear Holy Spirit, please help me learn to hear your voice,
and the ways You choose to guide me.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’s name I ask you to Purify my Heart, Mind, & Thoughts
so that I may show Mercy, Love, and Kindness to all. May I never again purposely give Offense to anyone, or ever take Offense from anyone.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask for you to take Authority over my Life and bring Order and Peace. Remove any Doubt, Stubbornness, Offense and Anything not of You from my Heart and Mind so that I can open myself fully to You and Your grace, and close myself fully to evil and darkness

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask you to fill my heart with Your Peace, Love, and Joy, and help me hold on to them no matter the situation. I also ask that You to bless my Home Life and Family. May I listen to my wife and children, and please give me the words they need to hear.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask you to help me always strive to put You and Your Plan first every day, and I thank You for always listening to my concerns and desires, and for letting me know You will always take care of me.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask that you let your resurrection power rise on the inside of me more to expel all weaknesses, sicknesses, diseases, abnormalities, pain, fear, depression, confusion and heaviness from me.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask for you to bless my Work,

Bless me with an Abundance of honest Vendors who wish to advertise and sponsor my work, and value of working with me

Bless me with an Abundance of Students blessed with the finances  to pay for training, and a deep desire to learn

Bless me with a Profitable & Growing business that will honestly inform & educate your children

Heavenly Father, I know you are Almighty God, the creator of Heaven and Earth,
and all that is seen and unseen.

Heavenly Father, I know you are a Perfect Father who loves me unconditionally,
and Your Plan for Me is Perfect, the best possible plan that could ever be conceived.

Heavenly Father, I know your timing is also perfect in all things.

So Heavenly Father, I lift my hands up to you and say I love You, I live for You, and I will do what You want me to do.

I know You love me more than I can imagine, and that You always protect and provide for me, and that you are a Perfect Father

And I know your plan and timing is perfect, as far above mine as the heavens are above the Earth

Which is why I declare that I live for you, and will do what You want me to do, as I know there is no better way – You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Heavenly Father, I know You are calling me into Your loving embrace

I know that You are with me All Day Every Day, and that You desire to help Me thrive
I know Your plans for me are to prosper, to bring me out of it all, Up and Over in every situation

I know Your plans for me are so far greater than anything I could ever imagine

So I lift up my hands to you again Heavenly Father, and I say I love You, I live for You, and I will do what You want me to do.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask you to help me to allow You to show me how much You love me, and to know You will never fail me.

I invite You, Heavenly Father, to walk with me, talk with me, and reveal who you are to me.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask you to take authority of my life my and lead me in Your most Holy Will.

Fill my heart with Your Glory, and guide me daily.

Show me the path to take, and help me stay away from distractions that lead me off the path you have prepared for me.

I receive today what Almighty God has done: I am not Defeated, and I will not Quit.

I say this over Every area in my Life, including those where Satan wanted to keep me bound and enslaved.

I know my enemies can’t hold me back from what God has for me. It is already mine. So I will not let the enemy steal what rightfully belongs to me.

I will not Retreat, and I will not Settle for anything less than the foundation of God’s Throne,
which is established in Righteousness and Justice.

God’s Kingdom Age is being established on my Ground and out into the World.
I am staking my claim by the power of the Blood of Jesus and the Word of my Testimony.

Heavenly Father, I speak your Words, and I know You will do things Speedily. Even when I don’t understand how You will do them Or it doesn’t look like You are moving, I know You are.

I will Live by my Faith in You, and not by sight.

Heavenly Father, I know Your Angels are alert,
and they are ready to perform Your Word.

I know I have an Army with me,
and it is greater than the Army against me.

I rely on your Angle Army, and now call on it: I call on my Guardian Angels, I call on my Ministering Angels, and I call on God’s Warring Angels.

I know you are waiting for God’s Words to be spoken from my mouth, so I speak His words:
– All is well
– I am free
– I have overcome
– I am a fighter, and I win
– I am victorious.

Dear Heavenly Father, Almighty God, You are my Lord and Savior, my Friend and Comforter, my Healer, Defender, Protector, and Provider. And most of all your are my Father.

I open my heart so you can show me how much you love me, and I know you are the one who brings Victory because You are Victory.

I proclaim my full trust in You, and I do not believe in the enemy’s power, and do not believe the enemy can stand against me because I have you, and I know You will fully perform Your Word.

I know I am Your child, a child of Almighty God,
and as Your child, I ask for Your help to understand this revelation more deeply,
and ask You to teach me how powerful I am as your child

Heavenly Father, I know Your power is in me,
and I ask You in Jesus’ name to teach me how to tap into Your power

Teach me to tap into Your Power, Authority and Revelation Knowledge
so I can claim all the things waiting you have waiting for me:
all the gifts, all the restoration, all the healing, and all the finances,
all for your Glory and Kingdom.

I know you are waiting for me to step up and use Your Power,
and to claim Everything You have for me,
so I do now by trusting in your words
and walking by faith and not by sight.

Heavenly Father, I know you desire to restore to me All that has been stolen by the enemy.

In many places in your word, including Proverbs 6:31,
you state that when a thief has been caught, he must pay back in back sevenfold.

So Heavenly Father, I now as I ask you in Jesus’ name to make the Devourer give back everything that he has stolen from me, from my Family, and from my Ancestors.

Heavenly Father, I know You intend for Me to have complete restoration, and I fully expect Your blessings of Retroactive Restorations.

And I take this moment to thank Heavenly Father for making the thief give back all he has stolen from myself, my family, and my ancestors.

I command what is rightfully mine: Freedom, Health, Soundness, Wholeness, Joy, Peace, Wealth, and Family.

I command my deliverance, freedom, and retroactive restorations, and

I declare everything that has been stolen be given back seven times greater because the thieves have been caught, and they cannot keep what rightfully belongs to me.

I call on my Heavenly Father’s Hosts of Angels to reinforce my demands that the enemy return all he has stolen from my life, my family’s life, and my ancestors’ life.

– I demand the return of Sound Minds
– I demand the return of Health and Healing
– I demand the return of Relationships
– I demand the return of Children and Grandchildren
– I demand the return of My Finances, and those of my Family and my Ancestors
– I demand the return of the Truth About History
– I demand the return of the Truth About Present-day Circumstances
– I demand the Exposure of the Deceptions and Lies that keep people in Bondage

To my adversary I say, ‘get off and let go of the things that are mine’ You will no longer rule, reign, or steal things away from me’

I demand the enemy give back all he has stolen, and I again call on my Heavenly Father’s Hosts of Angels to reinforce these demands

My Heavenly Father, Almighty God is Jehovah Jireh, my provider
He is the God of Multiplication, Overflow, More Than Enough

I will never be without, and
I will not complain
I will not fear
I will not give in
I will not bow
I will not bend

I will cut off the power that has been holding me
I will rise above all that is trying to hold me down
I will soar above my enemies
I will speak life and
I will speak victory

I arise as a warrior.

I arise, as a child who has a Blood Covenant Promise to win in every battle,
to arise above every obstacle, every test, every trial, and every plan my enemy wanted to make against me.

I put my Heavenly Armor on and use it in the war against the enemy, and I win.

I know I am in a battle, and my victory is guaranteed.

I know my Enemies have No Power that can stand The Power That Lives In Me.

That Power is not only getting Me through this Fire, but is also getting me Out of where I Will Never Again Return.

My Enemies Are Already Defeated through God’s Blood Covenant

Jesus defeated Satan in my life, that is a Fact.

Jesus paid the price for my freedom with His sacrifice on Calvery, and through it He set me Free.

Jesus is my Victory and my Deliverer, and as a child of Almighty God I am Victorious,
and will rise above any tests or trials because my Heavenly Father has given me the Power, Authority and Dominion to do so.

I know I cannot be defeated because Jesus has already won my Victory.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over Myself,
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my Family, and
I plead the Blood of Jesus over our Properties
for my Heavenly Father’s protection during the coming storms and shakings.

I plead the blood of Christ that the coming storms will not affect my family or I, and I trust in the Lord to protect my family and our properties

I Declare that I am Washed by the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
I Declare that I am Covered by His Blood
I Declare that I am Saved by His Blood, and
I Declare that I am Healed by His Blood.

And no Devil in hell can defeat the Blood of Jesus.

I command what is rightfully mine:
– Freedom, Health, Soundness, Wholeness, Joy, Peace, Wealth, and Family

I now Declare freedom from all Fear. Fear will not be in Me. Fear will not control me. Fear will have no power over me

And I now Declare freedom from all Offense. Offense will not be in Me . Offense will not control me. Offense will have no power over me

And I now Declare freedom from all Crankiness and Irritability. They will not be in Me. They will not control me. They will have no power over me

I declare I am on The Winning Side; God is on my side, so I can’t lose

I am undefeated because the Great I AM defeated my adversaries and everything they had planned for me

My victory is here and now

My enemies fall before my face
Complete restoration is mine, in Jesus’ Name, and that time is now.”

I Declare my Victory is HERE!
I Declare my Victory TODAY!
Declare and Decree my VICTORY Now!
I Declare I am HEALED.
I Declare I am PROSPEROUS.
I Declare I am FREE!

I Declare these things, and I know there’s Authority in my words because
they are the Words given to me by my Heavenly Father, Almighty God.

So I speak them, and Almighty God will make sure they come to pass.

Now, using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, the Creator of all Things has given me:

To my enemies I say, No More! Enough is Enough!

To Satan and All my Enemies I say, I DENY you all access to me in any way and any time, in the Name of Jesus.

Using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, the Creator of all Things has given me:

I now Rebuke, Bind and make Satan and All my Enemies FLEE now and for all time!

Using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, the Creator of all Things has given me:

I command All the Chains holding me back have been removed for all time

I declare I will no longer be held in the shackles Satan has had me in.

I shake off those shackles with my authority in Jesus’ Name and the blood that was shed for me

I’ve shaken off all despair
I’ve shaken off hopelessness
I’ve shaken off, with praise and worship, the darkness and heaviness that held me.

I’ve Shaken Off all the Chains my Enemies had put on me.
I’ve Shake them all Off and I have Shaken Free.
I’ve Broken FreeBroken OutBroken Forth, and Broken Through all the plans of my enemy

I will no longer settle for natural reasoning, and living like the world.
I receive God’s Truth, which destroys the enemies lies
I am not a slave, I am not defeated

The Greater One lives in me; The Lion of the tribe of Judah is in me and reigns in my life
I Roar like a lion because the Lion of the tribe of Judah is inside me.

Using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, the Creator of all Things has given me:

To My Body I Say All Sickness, Disease, Disfunctions, Despair, Deformities, Abnormalities, Injuries, and Pain must FLEE forever

Using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, the Creator of all Things has given me:

I take Back Perfect Health and Restoration

I speak my Heavenly Father’s Words over what I Want and Desire now, and not what it seemed like I had

I Declare that I am a New Creation in and through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

I Declare that I let go of all fear

I Declare that I let go of all my past failures and mistakes

I Declare that I let go of the old, and all insecurities
I Declare that I let go of religion and legalism
I Declare that I let go of who the world says I am
I Declare that I let go of all unworthiness

I Declare that I’ve left my past in the past, I’ve let go of the old, and now receive the new that God has for me, a life filled with Joy, Victory and Peace just as I prayed for.

I Declare that Darkness will not be in me. It will not be in my family.
It will not be in my household because God is in me always, and He is light, and light destroys darkness.

I proclaim, “Lord, I take and receive the authority you have given to me through the blood of Jesus.”

I receive my blood covenant rights. I receive my freedoms and my deliverance.

And I declare God’s Glory is going to change my life in every way,

Satan, you can no longer take away what is rightfully mine because of the blood of Jesus.

I am no longer a slave, but I am a warrior in the body of Christ.
I am a heavenly armed soldier, and my victory is guaranteed.

I declare this day I receive God’s Love, Peace, and Joy into my Heart

I declare this day I receive God’s Deliverance, and have Soundness and Clarity of Mind and Thought

I declare this day I receive God’s Healing, and I am fully Healed, Restored, and have Great Health

I declare this day I receive God’s Blessings, and I have Finances, Abundance and more than enough

I declare these all these things, and I receive what my Heavenly Father has for me, so much More than I Imagined


And now I Arise, Shine, and Proclaim the Lord is Good, and His Mercy endures forever.

And I declare that I accept Freedom in every area of my Life, and I declare Victory!

I take back all my Freedoms and Shout:

  • All sickness and disease must flee forever
  • All injuries and pain must flee forever
  • All deformities, abnormalities, and disfunctions must flee forever
  • All depression, despair, fear and worry must flee forever
  • All poverty, lack, and debt must flee forever
  • Any form of slavery must flee forever

In Jesus’ mighty name I declare

  • I am free from being overweight and out of shape
  • I am free from eating and drinking too much, and false hunger
  • I am free from low energy levels, and headaches, body aches, and pain
  • I am free from red & blemish face, and deformed and discolored nose
  • I am free from poor eyesight, baldness, and high blood pressure
  • I am free from all sickness, disease, deformities, disfunctions, abnormalities, injuries and pain
  • I am free from distractions and detractors, fear, despair, low morale, offense and irritability
  • I am free from debts and lack of all kind, empty bank accounts and lack of business
  • I am free from families being divided, tyrannical governments, and all the things our enemies tried to hold us captive
  • I am free to live and work for Almighty God freely

I know God’s Words created this Earth, and God has told us words have power. So I speak:

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Peace
  • Freedom
  • Healing
  • Perfect Health
  • Complete Restoration
  • Overflowing Finances
  • Abundance
  • Blessings
  • Joy
  • Success Hearing and Following God’s Will

I choose these thing by speaking these words

I am a Free Man; I Shout Freedom and I demand my Covenant rights as a Child of the Most High God.


I am a child of the Most High God, and I take my authority on this Earth as a true child of Almighty God.

I will no longer be a slave
I will no longer be a victim
I will no longer live beneath my circumstances
I will no longer be wimpy
I will be bold with authority
I will have righteous indignation
I will stand in the face of adversity, and shout and praise JESUS without moving an inch.

I am NOT weak, I am strong.
I am NOT sick, I am healed.
I am NOT poor. I am rich

I proclaim I am free
I proclaim I’ve been delivered
I proclaim I’m healed
I proclaim I’m whole
I proclaim I’m of sound mind
I shout to my finances and tell them to come in!”

I proclaim I receive more than enough

I proclaim I am filled with

  • anointing
  • peace
  • love
  • joy
  • hope
  • compassion
  • kindness
  • meekness
  • power
  • positive energy

I am free Today by Christ Jesus!


My Freedom has come
My Freedom is here
My freedoms are NOW

My Deliverance has come
My Deliverance is here
My deliverance is NOW

I take all that belongs to me today, including Freedom, Wholeness, and Redemption,

I Demand My Covenant rights as a child of the Most High God, and take all my Redemption Rights.

I shout Let Freedom Ring, Let the People Sing Freedom!

Dear Heavenly Father, in Isaiah 55:11 you said:

So shall my word be
that issues forth from my mouth.
It will not return to me unfulfilled,
but it will accomplish my purpose
and achieve what I sent it forth to do.

And in Your Word, in Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus said,

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
8   For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

So now Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I now ask, seek, and knock for blessings of

– Healing of Body and Soul
– Cleansing of Heart and Mind
– Blessing of Peace, Love, and Joy
– Blessing of Finances and Abundance,
– And blessing this very month for more than enough finances to pay my bills

I ask all this for Your Glory and Kingdom.

Now, using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Creator of all things has given me:

I say to my mountains and everything in my way: I command you to move out of my way, and realign in My Favor RIGHT NOW

And using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Creator of all things has given me:

To my Cupboards, Shelves and Bank Accounts I command Multiplication, Increase, and More than Enough

 In Jesus’ Mighty Name I speak Overflow, Increase, and More Than Enough.
and I Declare that Almighty God, my Heavenly Father, is my Source of Provision, Supply, and Finances.

Using the Power and Authority my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, Creator of all things has given me:
I command all my Bank Accounts to Fill Up to overflowing, and
I command all my Debts to FLEE, and
I call in my new Homes, Businesses, Lands, Buildings and Properties RIGHT NOW,
all so I can work and live freely for my Heavenly Father, Almighty God

My Heavenly Father has told me that these are my days to Thrive,
These are my days to Thrive!
These are my days to live in Perfect Health, and Supernatural Youth
These are my days to Receive Overflowing Finances, Abundance, and More Than Enough
These are the days of the Supernatural, and I believe I receive the Glory of God without measure.
So now I take what is mine.
I now take what Jesus has done for me.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all my prayers that you’ve already answered

Thank You for forgiving all my sins, for freeing me from addictions

Thank You for Your blessings of Love, Life, Health, and Protection

Thank You for Your Help and Provision

Now Heavenly Father, I thank You for it in advance for that what I am praying for today:

Thank you for Wisdom and Guidance, and seeing situations clearly, and understanding the best way forward and best words to say

Thank you for the restoration of my body, and for healing and restoring me head to toes, body, mind, spirit and soul, including healing my head and hair, my eyes, skin, face and cheeks

Thank you for healing and restoring my Nose, mouth, throat, voice and lungs, and my heart, arteries, veins, liver, and digestion.

Thank you for Purifying and Freeing my Mind and Thoughts, and that they are now Clear and Sharp, and easily focused on Your Will & Path.

Thank you that I’m healthy, eat healthy, and I’m Fit and Trim and Strong, and that my whole body is Healed and Restored, and I have no disfunctions, deformities, abnormalities, sickness, disease, injuries or pain.

Thank you for financial freedom, and for my homes, buildings, lands, properties and businesses.

Thank you for freeing me from the Babylonian system, their Economic System, and the Chains of the One World Government

Thank you for freeing me from the Stress and Fear they wanted to cause, and from their Deceptions and Lies, and from the Sickness and Pain they wanted their food and medicine to cause.

Thank you that my bank accounts are all filled to overflowing, and all my debts have fled
Thank you that my customers, sponsors and advertisers overflow and are a joy to work with
Thank you that my audience continues to grow, and they find true value in my company’s content
Thank you that my courses are of the best quality and value, and truly a help to Your people

Thank you for being my provider, and insuring I always have more than enough
Thank you that I am free to serve You, and Thank you that I am free in Every area of my Life

I declare that My freedoms are now. I declare My deliverance is now.

And I Arise, Shine, and Proclaim the Lord is Good, and His Mercy endureth forever.

Heavenly Father, I now proclaim my trust in You, and I believe Your words, and now I speak them with Your Authority and Power:

— JGMI 11/03 —-


  • my enemies are defeated; (2 Sam. 22:40-49; Ps. 9:3, 5-6, 54:5, 7; Isa. 2:10-21, 3:11)
  • I am stronger than my oppressors; (Ps. 18:17, 29-50, 27:6, 47:3, 57:4 GNT, 105:24; Jer. 20:11)
  • I am more than a conqueror; (Rom. 8:37; Phil. 4:13; 1 John 5:4-5)
  • I am not deceived by the enemy’s lies; (John 10:10; Gal. 6:7; James 4:7) and
  • my nation belongs to You. (Ps. 33:12, 103:19, 115:16)

— JGMI 11/10 —-


  • my enemies are losers; (Deut. 28:7; Ps. 9:3, 18:37, 27:2, 92:9; Isa. 49:25-26; Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14)
  • whistleblowers are coming forward; (Est. 2:21-22; Job 27:7-17 MSG; Eph. 5:11-12)
  • truth is destroying all my enemies’ plans; (Deut. 33:27, Ps. 54:5 ERV; Prov. 11:3)
  • I will not fall for the enemies’ plans; (Mic. 7:8 AMPC; 1 Peter 5:8-9)
  • God is the Protector and Deliverer of my nation; (Deut. 20:4; Dan. 6:1-27) and
  • judgment and justice are being served. (Deut. 32:4, 35; Ps. 9:7, 37:23, 52:1-9, 89:14)

— JGMI 11/24 —-


  • the Lord’s vengeance is being seen against His enemies; (Deut. 32:35; Ps. 94:1-2, 23; Ezek. 25:12-17; Rom. 12:19-21 NASB; Heb. 10:30 AMPC)
  • my enemies, their secrets, and their crimes cannot hide from God; (Job 27:7 MSG; Ps. 94:7-11; Dan. 2:22; Luke 8:17, 12:2)
  • my enemies are falling by their own swords; (1 Sam. 31:4-6; Ps. 27:2, 37:14-15)
  • the end is here for my enemies and their systems; (Gen. 11:1-9, 19:1-29; Ps. 33:10, 44:5; Isa. 54:15 ESV)
  • whistleblowers are coming forward; (Ps. 96:13; John 3:21)
  • great vindication is here; (Deut. 32:35-36; Ps. 17:2, 135:14; Isa. 49:4)
  • God is restoring seats and positions that were stolen; (Ex. 3:21; Prov. 6:31) and
  • God is my victory. (Deut. 20:4; Isa. 52:13; 1 Cor. 15:57)

— JGMI 12/03 —-


  • these are the days of Haman; (Est. 3:5-6, 5:14, 7:9-10; John 3:36)
  • my enemies are petrified; (Ex. 23:27; Deut. 28:7; Josh. 2:9-11; Ps. 9:3, 27:1)
  • God is exposing all the corruption and lies; (Ex. 23:22; Job 27:7 MSG; Jer. 11:18 NIRV; Hos. 5:1-2; Acts 5:1-11)
  • the innocent are seeing justice; (Prov. 21:15; Hos. 12:6; Luke 18:1-8; Heb. 10:30 AMPC)
  • the wrongfully accused are being vindicated; (Ps. 17:1-15, 37:6; Prov. 26:1; Isa. 50:7-9)
  • judgment is here for my enemies; (Ps. 9:20 MSG; Isa. 47:10-11; Matt. 25:31-46; Rom. 12:19 ESV)
  • God is bringing down my enemies; (2 Chron. 20:15-22; Ps. 18:48, 41:12 NIV, 59:11 NIV; Rom. 12:19)
  • my enemies will not have the war they want; (Num. 23:1-30, 24:1-25; Ps. 46:9-11; Isa. 55:8-9; Rev. 3:7) and
  • my enemies’ plans against President Trump will not succeed. (Neh. 4:15; Ps. 33:10; Prov. 16:3; Isa. 8:10, 41:10-1)

— JGMI 12/03 —-


  • Donald Trump throws the stone and takes out the giants in God’s timing
  • My enemies are evicted from where they are, and nothing can keep them in their positions.


— JGMI 11/10 —-

God says: 

  • call (pray) down the attacks against this Nation; (Job 5:8, 12-14; Ps.33:10; Isa. 54:15)
  • pray down all the plots against President Trump and his administration; (Ps. 21:11, 37:12-13; Isa. 54:17; 1 Tim. 2:1-2)
  • keep warring (praying) for all the nations around the world; (Neh. 1:5-11; Ps. 22:28; Jer. 29:7; Dan. 2:21-22; Hag. 2:22; Eph. 6:12)
  • keep using My Name and My Authority [and watch your giants fall before your very eyes]; (Gen. 1:26-28; Matt. 16:19, 18:18-20, 28:18; Luke 10:19; John 14:12; Phil. 2:9-11) and
  • do not be afraid because I am here. (Ps. 23:1-6, 27:1, 91:1-16, 118:6; Hag. 2:5; Matt. 28:20; John 14:16-17, 26-27; 2 Tim. 1:7; Heb. 13:6)

— JGMI 12/03 —-

  • hold on [for a great shaking]. (Isa. 41:13-14; Hos. 12:6; Hag. 2:6-9, 22; Eph. 6:14)

My Declarations:

I declare that I am of one mind,
– and believe without doubts that my Heavenly Father,
– Almighty God loves me, and He hears and answers my prayers
– and I fix my heart on my Heavenly Father
I declare that all I ask my Heavenly Father is Jesus’ Name,
– I will receive in God’s perfect timing, and that
– God is never late, and His timing is always perfect

I declare that I believe without doubt that my Heavenly Father, Almighty God
– will heal my nose and face, my hair, eyes, arm, and voice,
– my hole body head to toes, heart, mind, spirit and soul

I declare in Jesus’ Name that I am healthy,
– and all thoughts of gluttony must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name that I am sober,
– and any thoughts of drunkenness must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name I love my wife,
– and any thoughts of selfishness must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name I have overflowing finances and abundance,
– and any lack and all debts must flee
I declare that through my Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ,
– I am a new creation who leaves his past in the past,
– and accept what his Heavenly Father has for me,
– a life filled with Love, Peace, Joy, and
– supernatural youth and overflowing abundance.
All for the Glory and Honor of my Heavenly Father, Almighty God

I look to God, and not to any temporary darkness. There will be no darkness in my life because God’s Light will shine on me.

I look up to God because God has great things for me, and I will not be moved by anything I see because God Always Wins, and that also means I always win!

I start my celebrations NOW, and I believe and trust in my Heavenly Father’s Words

I will hold on to my Heavenly Father’s word and will not allow the enemy to steal it out of my heart.

I will live by faith and not by sight. I will walk by faith, and not by sight.

I will let my light shine, as a child of the Most High God. The light inside of me is destroying the darkness in my life, my family, and my town, cities, and nations because that light is my Heavenly Father, Almighty God. So I Will Let My God’s shine through me, and my enemies will flee.

Heavenly Father, I pray that

– My Wife Tracey is completely healed and cancer free, and free from medication and side effects. She is healthy and eats healthy, and is very happy at home and work, and continues to be an awesome blessing in all our lives, and she comes alive in her faith in You.

– My Daughter Sarah is completely healed, free from medication and side effects, and has great success, is paid very well, has time to explore other interests, and has time for Alexis and Liam. I also pray that Alexis and Liam have wholesome friendships and success in school, and I pray they all come alive in faith in You.

– My Daughter Mary is completely healed, free from medication and side effects, and has great success, is paid very well, has time for Thomas, no longer has legal or verbal issues with her ex, and that Thomas grows in strength, wisdom, and most of all love, and I pray they come alive in faith in You.

– My Son John is completely healed, free from medication and side effects, and finds his true calling and is very successful, and is easily able to support his new family, and that his marriage is a very happy one, and that they find a beautiful home, and they continue to be a true blessing to their community, and I pray they come alive in faith in You.

– My Son Joseph is completely healed, free from medication and side effects, and finds an awesome job that pays him very well and allows him to use talents to follow his calling, he finds his true love and they get married, buy a beautiful home, and raise a family in love, and I pray they come alive in faith in You.

– My brother Stephen is completely healed and cancer free, his heart is healed, and he is free from medication and side effects. I pray that he is healthy and eats healthy, and is very happy at home and work, and he finds his true love and they get married, buy a beautiful home, and I pray they come alive in faith in You.

– My brother Kevin is completely healed, and free from medication and side effects. I pray that he loses all the extra weight, and is healthy and eats healthy, and is very happy at home and work, and his wife is healed and free, and her children are healed and free, and I pray they come alive in faith in You.

Now Heavenly Father

I pray for the Peace of the world as they see our enemy’s destruction.
I pray for all Your children who are asleep, that they wake up, and
I pray for all those who have lost their way, that they come home like the Prodigal Son,
I pray for all lost souls, that they realize the Blood of Jesus is more than enough
I pray for both of my ex son in laws, Mark and Nick, that repent and come home to Jesus.
I pray for You to help, protect, and embolden all truth tellers and whistle blowers
I pray for the prophets, for their protection, their strength, and their vindication.
I pray for You to help, heal, free, and restore all those caught up in the J6 and similar situations,
and please reveal the evil that was done to them
I pray for You to free all those enslaved by evil, and to lead them to Jesus”

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my nation, cities, and neighborhood.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over the rightful president, the rightful government body, and our military.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over His Church, and pray for His Church’s cleansing, healing and uniting

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my wife Tracey
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my children Sarah, Mary, John, Joseph
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my grandchildren Alexis, Liam, Thomas, and Hunter
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my father Stephen, and my bothers Stephen and Kevin,

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my son’s wife Abigail, and her daughter Ali
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my brother’s wife Julie and her children
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my Mother-in-law Linda
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my wife’s siblings and their families, including
– Raymond, Heather, Corbin, and Maddison
– Missy, Lavon, Heaven, and Lavon Jr
– Eddie and Stacey
– and Jason

I also plead the Blood of Jesus over my friend Mace and his wife Pam

I plead the Blood of Jesus to protect our homes, cars, properties & businesses from storms, shakings, disasters & attacks

I plead the Blood of Jesus to protect my devices and equipment from any of the enemies attacks,

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my business and work, over all my valued vendors, sponsors, and customers, and I pray for the dismantling of any of my enemies plans against me, my family, and my business

I plead the Blood of Jesus over all those people and organizations that are doing God’s work,
and all those people and organizations working for truth and justice.

Dear Heavenly Father, please
Expose every lie
Expose every person
Expose all the corruption
Expose all the stealing
Expose all the money trails
Expose all the foreign business deals
Expose all the insider trading
Expose all the bribes
Expose all who are against us
Expose all those against our freedoms
Expose all those against the truth
Expose all who are against our Nation
Expose all those who Shadow Banned Us
Expose all those who stopped or slowed us down from succeeding
Expose all those who throttled our content
Expose all those who stole our content
Expose all those who stole our income in any way
Expose it all now, in Jesus’ Name

No matter the lies or where they are hidden, exposed them all JESUS

Lock them all up
Detroy Our Enemies
Devliver Us Now Lord

I now plead the Blood of Jesus over all the God loving Companies and Media
as well as my company.
And ask for God’s Blessings and Guidance to be granted to his children at those companies
and to myself.

I declare all the plans of darkness would be UNCOVERED, brought to the LIGHT, and LAID BARE before the world.

And to the enemies schemes of darkness in the WATERS, in the SKIES, on the Earth and UNDER THE EARTH,
I declare I DISARM, DISARM, DISARM you in the MIGHTY NAME of Jesus!

I declare that EMPs will MALFUNCTION
I declare that MISSILES will FALL BACK on the ones sending them
I declare planned attacks on the USA and its East Coast will come to nothing

I declare that DEADLY DISEASES will LOSE their ability to SPREAD
and will only AFFECT those who CONSPIRED to release them

I declare those who PLANNED, PAID FOR, and PERPETRATED evil schemes and LIES would be LAID BARE before the world

I COMMAND that their MASKS to be REMOVED, and their EVIL PLANNING SESSIONS would be REPLAYED to the world

I declare EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and I partner with my Heavenly Father and His STRATEGIC timing to declare:
– Let the darkness be LAID BARE before the world!’

I take AUTHORITY over every DARK and DESTRUCTIVE plan of the enemy, and I DEFEAT it, I DEFLECT it, and I DIMINISH it in the mighty name of King Jesus!

I declare that FINANCIAL LOSS and LACK of supplies will come upon the wicked.

I declare the RELEASE of ABUNDANT FINANCES and SUPPLIES to God’s people, and
I declare the RELEASE of God’s LIFE, STRENGTH, and PROTECTION over the people.

I DECLARE that the WAR will TURN BACK into the camp of the enemy
And to the storm of WAR that the Darkness is STIRRING UP
I say, PEACE, BE STILL in the name of Jesus!

I now Call forth hidden Truths, Mysteries, Discoveries, and Cures
I Declare, ‘Expose, Expose, Expose,’ to hidden Truths, Mysteries, Discoveries, and Cures
I Decree that these hidden Truths, Mysteries, Discoveries, and Cures would bless the children of Light,
and that they would be ripped out of the hands of Evil and be withheld from the Darkness.

I know there are great Truths and Cures to be uncovered,
and there are Mysteries and Discoveries to be found
in the Skies, in the Seas, on the Earth, and under the Earth.
Let the Spirit of Adventure be Reawakened in Me
so I will pursue Spiritual and Natural Mysteries.

And I declare that God’s Children WIN,
and the Devil and our Enemies are DESTROYED.





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