Daily Prayers
Our Father…
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I come before you to ask for the words I need to say to take back what you have given me. Please show me how to tap into the resurrection power of my Lord and Svaior, Jesus Christ, and use your authority to take back what is already mine – my health, clarity and freedom in my mind, spirit, and body, my family, and success at home and work.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I declare
You are Almighty God,
You are my Lord and Savior,
my Friend, my Comforter
my Healer, and most of all, You are my Father.
I know your love for me is unconditional, and Your love is more powerful than any power my enemies think they have. I have no doubt that You can help me, and I do not doubt Your willingness to help me.
You are a Perfect Father, and I know you want me to be Healthy and Free, so I seek You and ask You to pour out your Love and Blessings onto myself and my family.
I know that whatever I need, that You have it, and that You will give me everything I need. You have known me, and my every trial, even before you created the world.
So I call upon You Heavily Father in Faith, and know if I ask for something of You it is already given, and already has my name on it. Whatever it is, You have said it is already mine, not hidden or someone else’s
So I ask You, my Heavenly Father to bring my thinking up to Your way of thinking, I ask You to show me who I am as a child of the Most High God and help me change the way I see my life, and the challenges I face, and show me them through Your eyes and ability, destroying all my fear, and disappearing all my weariness, and helping me grow my faith to new levels as I march forward to victory and claim everything You have for me.
Psalm 79-9-13
“Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name;
deliver us and forgive our sins, for your name’s sake.
Why should the nations ask, “Where is their God?”
Before our eyes make it clearly known among those nations
that you avenge the blood of your servants.
Let the groans of the captives come before you;
through your great power save those who have been sentenced to death.
Repay our neighbors sevenfold in their breasts, O Lord,
for the insults with which they taunted you.
Then we, your people, the sheep of your pasture,
will offer thanks to you forever;
from generation to generation
we will proclaim your praise.”
I declare I am no longer a slave. I am a child of God, and HE HAS set me free through Christ Jesus and His sacrifice on Calvary. HE has defeated Satan in my life. I believe it! I receive today what the LORD has done. I am not defeated, and I will not quit.” I say this over every area in my life, including those where Satan wanted to keep my bound and enslaved.
I know my enemies can’t hold me, the price has been paid for me. My ransom has been paid.
No devil in hell can stop my freedom from coming to pass because of the blood that was shed for me.
The blood of Jesus Christ marks God’s children, and my enemies can see it. They can’t trespass through Jesus’ blood.
I declare that I am washed by the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I am covered by His Blood.
I am saved by His Blood.
I am healed by His Blood.
And I know the Devil cannot defeat the Blood of Jesus
I believe in Jesus’ blood and in the Name of Jesus more than a doctor’s report or more than any government official.
And I plead the Blood of Jesus over myself, my family, and our properties, for God’s protection during the coming storms and shakings
I declare my freedom is here and now.
No more waiting. Let freedom ring in my life and my nation.
I will not be defeated, and I will not quit.
I will not focus on what the world wants me to focus on, what the enemy wants me to dwell upon.
I trust God even when I can’t see it all, because God has won it all for me, and I believe God more than anything else in this world. All who are against God are coming down
I am free today by Christ Jesus!
God’s report and written Word says I am healed and not sick.
I am strong and not weak.
I am free and not enslaved.
I am rich and not poor.
I call in freedom:
- from sickness
- from lack
- from families being divided
- in our lands
- from tyrannical governments
- from all the things our enemies have tried to use to hold us captive
I shout, “Let freedom ring, Let the people sing freedom.”
I shout
- sickness must flee
- fear must flee
- lack must flee
- poverty must flee
- debt must flee
- depression must flee
- worry must flee
- anxiety must flee
I shout any form of slavery must flee
I resist the devil and use God’s Authority to take back what is mine right now
I say ‘enough is enough’.
I rebuke, bind and make my enemy flee, and all who are with him who are against me flee.
I no longer put up with sickness
I no longer put up with fear
I no longer put up with defeat
I no longer put up with poverty
I no longer put up with addictions
I no longer put up with depression.
I let go of my fear,
I let go of all my past failures and mistakes,
I let go of the old, and all insecurities,
I let go of religion and legalism
I let go of who the world says I am,
I let go of all unworthiness,
I let go of all of the old and receive the new that God has for me,
God’s Glory is going to change my life in every way, I leave the past in the past and receive all God the Father has for me
With my Heavenly Father’s Authority and in the Name of Jesus, to my enemies I say, No More! Enough is Enough! I want and take my freedoms back. I want and take my family’s freedoms back!
Satan, I deny your access to me in any way, in the Name of Jesus. I resist you, and you have to flee. I have the authority over you; you don’t have authority over me.”
I shout:
I am free to serve God.
I am free in every area of my life.
I am free from this Babylonian system.
I am free from their chains of the One World Government.
I am free from the sickness and pain their food and medicine have caused.
I am free from the stress and fear they caused, to cause an unlimited amount of diseases.
I am free from that fear.
I am free from their deceptions and lies.
I am free from their economic system that held me captive, because God is My provider, and I always have more than enough.
I cannot be defeated because Jesus won my victory.
I Shout freedom and demand my Covenant rights as a child of the Most High God.
I am a child of the Most High God.
I am filled with power
I am filled with anointing
I am filled with love
I am filled with compassion
I am filled with kindness, and
I am filled with meekness.
The Deliverer is here to save and to restore all that has been stolen from me. God is dealing with chains and prison cells they put me in. It is time for me to break free.”
Justice is coming now. Our Heavenly Father has said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Let My people go. So America will arise a New, and be reborn.
The truth will set us free. The truth will set our country free; the truth will set the world free.
I will not get complacent. I will not comply. I will not give up. I will not quit.
I call in Peace
I call in Peace into this Earth
I call in Peace into the Nations
I call in Peace into our Families
I call in Peace into my Mind
I call in Peace into my Body
These are my days to thrive, not just survive.
These are my days to live in perfect health and supernatural youth.
Yes, these are the days of the supernatural, and I believe I received the Glory of God without measure.
I declare the year of 2023 is a year to be free.
I declare 2023 is:
- a year of glee
- a year of prophecy
- a year to end what we see
- a year of great victory
- a year of great prosperity
- a year to bring a great correction
I declare 2023 is:
- a year that will bring justice
- a year that will bring a great exchange
- a year for me
- a year of reversal of the captivity
- the year of great glory
So now I take what is mine. I take what Jesus has done for me.
Satan, get your hands off me, my family, and everything that rightfully belongs to me that the shed blood of Jesus has paid for.
I am taking all that belongs to me today:
- I am free.
- I am whole.
- I am redeemed.
I take all my redemption rights.
I resist you and render you helpless against me and off of my life in Jesus’ Name.
I resist my adversary every day, and when I resist him, he must flee. I receive this revelation today.
I receive my freedom today in Jesus’ Name.
I let God’s Glory fill my heart.
My enemies cannot hold me back from what God has for me. It is already mine.
I no longer let the enemy steal what rightfully belongs to me.
To my enemy, the liar, I say you are DENIED Power to Rule
To my enemy, the liar, I say you are DENIED Power to have control anymore, and can no longer keep his people in positions that don’t belong to them.
As for myself, I put God first every day. I give Him all my tears, concerns, and desires, and He takes them and takes care of me.
I let God show me how much He loves me, and that He will not fail me, and I know God can never be defeated, and He lives in Me.
I arise, shine, and see that the Lord is good, and His mercy endureth forever.
I arise as a warrior. I arise, as a child who has a Blood Covenant promise to win in every battle, to arise above every obstacle, every test, every trial, and every plan my enemy wanted to make against me.
I put my heavenly armor on every day and use it in the war against the enemy, and I win.
I am in a battle, and my victory is guaranteed every time.
I know the Authority of the Most High God lives in me. I know this, and get it down in my heart, and I never let my adversary control me or anything in my life. I stand up against him and say no.
I take back my healing and victory. I declare life and victory today. As a child of Almighty God, I know the blood has already been shed, and my enemies are already defeated.
I shout my deliverance and the enemy’s defeat now and every day
I resist my enemy with the Name above every name, the Name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over everything, including myself.
I use my Heavenly Father’s Authority to deny my enemies power over myself and my family
I now call down Almighty God’s Rain of Glory, I call down God’s Rain of Joy, I call down God’s Rain of Healing, I call down God’s Rain of Unlimited provisions, I know it is a Gift that God has already given it to me, so I call God’s Rain Down and I expect It. I look to God, and not to the temporary darkness, and there will be no darkness in my life because God’s Light will shine on me. I look up to God because God has great things for me.
With the Authority of my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, and in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus, I take back Perfect Health and Restoration for myself.
With the Authority of my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, and in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus, if it his will, I take back Perfect Health and Restoration for my wife Tracey, my children Sarah, Mary, John, and Joseph, my grandkids Alexis, Liam, and Thomas, and my Father and Brothers.
I awaken and receive all that is already mine that my adversary had stolen from me.
- I receive my Health
- I receive my Freedom
- I receive my Finances
- I receive my Houses
- I receive my Lands
- I receive my Businesses
All of which have already been given to me by my God.
I say it until I see it. I believe it!
I declare God’s Glory to fill my homes and nation.
I give God and His Angels the authority to move.
I reject defeat and despair, and receive God’s Glory.
I let God into my life every day, and He gives me rest that I have never known before.
I declare victory Today and every day:
I have the victory in Jesus’ Name against any form of attack,
and I have the favor of God which goes before Me and opens up doors that no man can shut.
I will not quit. I will not be defeated.
The battle is the Lord’s, and He has conquered the enemies before me.
God is in control, and I look forward to my victory.
I know I am on The Winning Side. God is on my side, so I can’t lose.
I am undefeated because the Great I AM defeated my adversaries and everything they had planned for me.
My victory is here and now. The Greater One lives in me. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is in me and reigns in my life.
My enemies fall before my face. Complete restoration is mine, in Jesus’ Name, and that time is now.”.
I have many victories. I am an overcomer.
I’m strong and courageous, without fear.
I am whole. I am a distribution center to be used by God to bless the nations.
I have no lack of any kind, I have no lack spiritually, I have no lack in my soul or body. I have no lack financially.
God has paid the price for my wholeness, and I won’t accept anything less than that
The battle has been won by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He brought my adversaries to nothing and to make them of no effect in my life.
I stand firm against the onslaught of the enemies’ attacks and know he is nothing in my sight.
The name of Jesus crushes any authority or power the enemy has over me and this world
I get with God more and more every day and watch my faith grow to levels I have never known.
I receive God’s Glory today
Lord, I thank you for this time, for a new opportunity to live for You freely.
Lord, I thank you for everything You have done and what You are about to do.
God’s Words created this Earth.
And He has told us words have power.
So I speak life
I speak liberty
I speak health
I speak finances
I speak abundance
I choose blessing
I choose life
I do so by speaking these words
I speak God’s Words over what I want and desire and not what it seems like I have today.
I speak to my mountains and not about them
I call in Deliverance,
I call in Healing, Good Health, Happiness and Joy, Freedom, Finances, Success and Abundance
Using the Authority of my Heavily Father, Almighty God, and In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to my body I say all sickness, disease, deformities, and abnormalities must flee,
Using the Authority of my Heavily Father, Almighty God, and In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I tell my bank account to fill up, and my debt to flee, and I call in my new Cars, Homes, Buildings, Lands, and Properties, all so I can work and live freely for God.
I know through Jesus I am delivered, and I am free,
I am full of peace, joy and love
I am healed, body and soul,
I have a full head of hair, 20/20 vision, clear skin, and my body is healed and restored
I am fit, trim, and healthy, and I eat healthy, and my weight is normal, and I go for jogs each week
My bank account, sponsors and customers overflow
And my audience and courses outshine others
I am free to work for my God freely
I have a new home and business building in the Smokies, my wife has an awesome job near by, and our family relocates to be near us there
Dear Heavenly Father, I put my trust in You my God. I believe Your words, and now speak them with Your Authority and Power:
- everything the enemy has stolen from me must be returned (seven-fold); and
- my restoration in all areas is now.
- Restoration of:
- God’s truth;
- God’s goodness;
- God’s presence;
- God’s Glory;
- freedoms;
- health-mental, emotional, and physical;
- family;
- relationships;
- finances;
- jobs;
- countries;
- law and order; and
- governments.
- Restoration of:
- Life every day.
- Blessings every day.
- Health (and healing) every day.
- Prosperity every day (in every way- spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially).
- I have ears to hear (and understand God’s Word).
- God’s Written Words are:
- power;
- spirit;
- life;
- health and healing to my flesh;
- prosperity; and
- destruction to the enemy.
May 16, 2023 Declarations:
- The Great I AM is justice (Jehovah Chereb).
- The Great I AM is deliverance (Jehovah Pelet).
- The Great I AM is truth (Jehovah El Emeth).
- The Great I AM is life (YHWH).
- The Great I AM is restoration (Jehovah El Ashiyb).
- The Great I AM is peace (Jehovah Shalom).
- The Great I AM is joy (Emmanuel).
- The Great I AM is everything I need when I need it (El Shaddai).
- The Great I AM is goodness
- The Great I AM is increase
- The Great I AM is joy (Emmanuel)
- The Great I AM is peace (Jehovah Shalom)
- The Great I AM is the healer (Jehovah Rapha)
- The Great I AM is the provider (Jehovah Jireh)
- The Great I AM is the way out of every situation (Jehovah Rohi).
- The Great I AM is the victory in every situation (Jehovah Nissi).
Date Received – May 19, 2023
- These are the days of great miracles, revivals, revelation, restitution, and vindication.
- God’s Words of******:
- life;
- blessing;
- breakthrough;
- increase;
- health;
- wholeness;
- victory; and
- all areas that concern me.
- God has permission to move on my behalf in all areas*******.
Date Received – June 3, 2023
- God is my deliverer (Jehovah Mephalti****).
- God is my protector (Jehovah Magenenu*****).
- God is delivering me out of it all (Jehovah Palati)******.
Date Received – June 4, 2023
- Evil has already been defeated.
- That people are awake (to God’s truth);
- That people no longer refuse God’s truth;
- That people have their blinders removed;
- That people open their hearts to God’s Words through the prophets;
- That people are no longer bound; and
- That people choose to be a part of this great awakening.
- 2023 is the year to be free
Now Heavenly Father I pray for the Peace of the world as they see our enemy’s destruction.”
“I pray for all God’s children who are asleep, that they wake up to what is happening and coming,
“I pray for all those who have lost their way, that they come home like the Prodigal Son,
“I pray for all lost souls, that they realize the Blood of Jesus is more than enough to heal them”
“I pray for God to free all those enslaved by evil, and to lead them to Jesus”
“I pray for God to help, protect, and embolden all truth tellers and whistle blowers
“I pray for God to help, heal, free, and restore all those caught up in the J6 and similar situations,
and to reveal everything the evil ones did
“I plead the Blood of Jesus over my nation, cities, and neighborhood.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over the rightful president, the rightful government body, and our military.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over His Church, and pray for His Church’s cleansing, healing and uniting
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my wife Tracey
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my children Sarah, Mary, John, Joseph
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my grand children Alexis, Liam, and Thomas,
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my Dad, and my bothers Stephen and Kevin
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my friend Mace and his wife Pam, my Mother-in-law Linda, over Tracey’s siblings Raymond, Missy, Eddie and Jason and their families
I plead the Blood of Jesus to protect our properties from the coming storms.”
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my business and work, and for the dismantling of any of my enemies plans against me, my family, and my business
I plead the Blood of Jesus over all those people and organizations that are doing God’s work, including Julie Green, Diana Larkin, Tim Sheets, others like them, and their teams.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over all those people and organizations working for Truth and Justice, including the True The Vote team with Catherine and Gregg, the VoterGA team with Garland, the Cause of America team, The America Project, NY Citizens Audit, Judicial Watch, OKeefe Media Group, Thomas More Society, The Amistad Project, the Article Three Project, the Heritage Foundation, Thomas Retz and his team, Jim Caviezel, Mike Lindell, Patrick Byrne, Mike & Joe Flynn, Jovan Pulitzer, Tucker Carlson, and all those people, groups, and organizations working on your behalf Lord.
I also ask for the conversion of truth tellers and leaders like Elon Musk, Patrick Byrne, Kash Patel, Dave Rubin, and others like them, that they come to faith in Jesus Christ
Now I call down all the false prophets and liars
I call down all evil people at tech giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon and others, and ask that you expose all their evil my God,
I call down all the evil people at media giants in Hollywood and elsewhere, including those at Disney, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, PBS, ABC, Fox, and others, and ask that you expose all their evil my God
I also call down all the evil people at companies like Anheuser Busch, Jack Daniels, Miller, Walmart, Target, Microsoft, and others, including those trying to poison our food, water, air, soil, and medicine, and ask that their evil is exposed
And I ask that all the evil people, organizations, officials, companies and governments are exposed, their evil revealed, and they all have to pay back seven times recompense for everything they stole, and all the damage they caused
I now plead the Blood of Jesus over all the God loving media, and ask for God’s blessings and guidance to be granted to God’s children at Real America’s Voice, Bannon’s Warroom, One America’s News, Right Side Broadcasting, Frank Speech, Rumble, Angel Studios, PureFlix as well as any media company and social media platform which stands on You our Heavenly Father.
Now I get on my knees before Almighty God, and humbly ask for everything I need and desire