Divine Worship: Giving Honor to God
– Dear Heavenly Father, You are Almighty God, and I give you the highest honor and respect as you are a Perfect Father and the Creator of all things
– Dear Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I give you thanks for the overflowing of blessings and goodness you have poured out on me in my life, and will again in the future
– My Dear Savior, Jesus, your are the King of Kings, and Lord or Lords, and I thank you for choosing to Suffer and Died on the Cross to Purchase my Freedom and Redemption. I did not earn it, nor do I deserve it, but I accept your most precious gift of salvation.
– Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for Protection and Guidance, for Purification, Healing and Strength, and for Wisdom and Knowledge.
I engrave these truths on my heart:
- I believe in God’s Love and Goodness without wavering
- I believe that all good I ask of God in Jesus’ name, and believe I will receive it, will be mine in God’s perfect timing
- I expect, without doubt, that God will bless me with Supernatural Healing and Overflowing Abundance
- I never complain about anything: To complain is to say you don’t believe God will help, and because of your lack of faith you will Remain
- I will not let circumstances control me, I will control my circumstances with the name of Jesus and the Word of God
- I will SHUT UP the ENEMY! I use God’s Word and Authority against Doubt. I use the Power of Jesus’ Name to bind all my enemies and make them flee!
- Be Unstoppable: Jesus has already won your Victory! Rejoice & celebrate now, secure in the knowledge that in God’s perfect timing you will Receive
I declare that I am of one mind,
and I believe without doubts that my Heavenly Father,
Almighty God, loves me, and that He hears and answers my prayers
I declare that all I ask my Heavenly Father in Jesus’ Name,
I will receive in God’s perfect timing,
God is never late, and His timing is always perfect
I declare that I believe without doubt that my Heavenly Father, Almighty God
will heal my nose and face, my head, eyes, arm, and voice,
my whole body head to toes, heart, mind, spirit and soul
I will not complain about anything, as I know my prayers to my
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, will be answered
I declare in Jesus’ Name that I am healthy,
and all thoughts of gluttony must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name that I am sober,
and any thoughts of drunkenness must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name I love my wife,
and any thoughts of selfishness must flee
I declare in Jesus’ Name I have overflowing finances and abundance,
and all lack and all debts must flee
I declare that through my Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ,
I am a new creation who leaves his past in the past,
and accept what his Heavenly Father has for me,
a life filled with Love, Joy, Peace and
supernatural youth and overflowing abundance.
All for the Glory and Honor of my Heavenly Father, Almighty God
- I put my Heavenly Father first each day by reading and reflecting on His Word
- I spend time with my Heavenly Father each morning by quieting my mind and listening to Him
- I exercise and stretch regularly to stay fit and flexible
- I eat healthy whole foods and avoid take-out and processed meals
- I rise early, and go to bed early, and avoid snacking and alcohol
- I live in the present, and don’t worry about tomorrow. I don’t rely on my own understanding. I let go, and let God, knowing His plan and timing is perfect
- I prioritize spending time with people, and helping people, over amusing or entertaining myself
For this is the day and this is the hour and this is the time to shine.
Whatever you ask in My name it will be given unto you, as long as you don’t give up and you hold onto My Words.
You are so much bigger than your circumstances. You are so much bigger than the enemy’s attacks you. You are so much bigger because I am on the inside of you. Think about how powerful you are because what I’ve done for you. You have the RESURRECTION POWER THAT’S IN YOU. YOU HAVE THE GREATER ONE ON THE INSIDE OF YOU.
So receive this great power. Receive your prayers being answered more speedily in this hour. What you’ve longed for. What you’ve prayed for year after year, it will be clear that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
And My Word is about to COME ALIVE in you, on you, surrounding you, in every way that I have designed it.
You are entering My children a new season, a new season of revival, a new season of breakthroughs, and break out, break forth and break through every wall your enemy had up against you. Receive it this day says the Lord.
My children after this darkness that is being destroyed, the Light of My Word will shine as bright as it can to bring a joy most people have never known before, because of the slavery and the bondage each person was in from their enemy.
This exodus of freedom and My glory will be unprecedented. It will fill this earth with more miracles, signs and wonders that will be seen and it will be undeniable – to those at one time never thought it was possible and for those who didn’t think I still was a God that performed miracles.
My children you are walking toward your Promised Land, a way of life I’ve always intended for you to live: a life of freedom, of soundness, wholeness and prosperity where there is no lack of any kind. This is what I have and this is what I paid for. Your enemy stole it and he was trying to keep you from what rightfully belongs to you.
The winds of change are here where My children are in charge and your enemies are your footstool, where My children will know more of My authority and you will see it how I wanted you to use it.
These days ahead will be glorious for a child of the Most High God. So hold fast to My promises and to My Word. Hold fast to your faith and trust in Me. Don’t give in and don’t give up no matter what your enemies are up to. They are nothing and their ways are nothing and you will see Me move and manifest My power upon this earth like no other time before you. .
My children rise up. This is your time where the world will look to you and to My Words and My glory through you. Expect, receive and rejoice, for the time of My church is here and it can’t be stopped says the Lord Your Redeemer.
AWJ 12-26-24: https://dianalarkin.blogspot.com/2024/12/december-26-2024-hope-for-new-year-dont.html
HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Leave the past BEHIND with its INTENSE STRUGGLES and UNRELENTING WARFARE. I want you to KNOW in the DEPTHS of your being that the SLOW and ARDUOUS BUILD-UP to VICTORY is NEARLY OVER, and I want you to SEE that the FIRST RAYS of the NEW DAWN are SPLITTING the DARK STORM CLOUDS. The WINDS of CHANGE are PICKING UP, and you will see the storm clouds NO MORE. HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR includes an OPEN HEAVEN that has been created by the FIERCE BATTLES that have been fought by the Forces of Light. Your FAITH, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS have EMPOWERED the Host to their FULL FIGHTING STRENGTH. The Forces of Light have now attained AIR SUPERIORITY, and the heavens are being CLEARED of demonic STRONGHOLDS and demon FORCES. The atmosphere has SHIFTED as these dark forces are OVERCOME by FAITH, PERSISTENCE, and POWER, and you will BREATHE FREER AIR and you will see My GLORY FALL. An OPEN HEAVEN will result in many LONG AWAITED ANSWERED PRAYERS, HEALINGS will MANIFEST, TERRITORIES will be TAKEN BACK, and VICTORY AFTER VICTORY will be seen. Come to My SAFE ARMS and We will pour over you with HEALING, LOVE, and COMFORT to WASH AWAY all the HOPE DEFERRED. You will ARISE with PEACE, STRENGTH, LIGHT, and HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR RESTORED. BREATHE in the WINDS OF CHANGE and be REVIVED—HOPE AGAIN!”
Another Message: Estelle Richter 01/09/25
“This is the season where I am releasing a special anointing over My people. An anointing for success, creativity, and divine strategy.
I am raising up Kingdom Builders who will steward wealth, businesses, and passions for My glory.”
“What I have planted within you is not random, it is My design. The gifts, ideas, and visions I have given you are meant to prosper not just you, but to bless generations and expand My Kingdom.”
“This is your moment right now to really step boldly, and be humble in this truth that you have a special anointing
over your life.”
After you see this Word, what’s going to happen in your businesses, in your projects, in your ventures – it’s going to feel like wow God is anointing me.
He’s released a special, fresh anointing which is going to flourish things in your life.
So the Lord brought to my heart, Deuteronomy 8:18 which says, “but remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his Covenant which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today”
God is saying, “I am the one who gives you the ability to create wealth. Your success does not come from striving, it comes from abiding in me. I will give you strategies. I will give you ideas and opportunities that no man can take away.”
“When you honor me with your work, I will bless it and cause it to prosper.”
Proverbs 16:3 declares, “commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your
The Lord is saying, “if you commit your business, your dreams, and your passions to Me, I will establish them, I will guide your steps open doors and align you with the right people at the right time. Do not fear failure for I Am with you as you put Me first I will bless the works of your hands.”
The Lord is releasing a special anointing over the people who see this video, and this is no joke. This is an anointing for Creative
Vision. You will receive divine inspiration and ideas that will set you apart. Excellence like Daniel carried will rest on you whatever you build will reflect God’s glory
- Wealth creation – the Lord is positioning you to create wealth not just for yourself but to be a blessing for others
- Supernatural favor – doors will open that no man can shut, and opportunities will come that you didn’t even seek
Isaiah 60:1 says, “arise, shine for your light has come the glory of the Lord rises upon you”
The Lord says, “It’s time to rise up, my glory is shining upon you, and I am giving you the tools the wisdom and the anointing to succeed in whatever you are called to do. This is not by your own strength but, by my spirit working through you.”
God wants you to know that the passions and dreams that he has placed within you are not random, there’s no coincidences.
The Lord says, “I have planted those desires in your heart for a reason. They are a part of my plan for your life. Do not do not ignore the dreams I have given you. What seems small to you is significant to me. Your passion is the seed and I am the one who will bring it to increase.”
Psalm 37:4 says, “take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
The Lord is aligning your desires with his will, with his purpose. As you delight in Him, He will make those those dreams and those
and those desires come to fruition.
The Lord says, “I am raising up Kingdom Finances. People who will carry wealth with integrity, humility and purpose. I am looking for those who will steward wealth wisely, who will use their businesses and resources to glorify My name and bless others.
Proverbs 39:10 declares, “honor the Lord with your wealth with the first fruits of all your crops then your barns will be filled to
overflowing and your Vats will brim over with new wine.
God is saying when you honor me with your with your wealth I will multiply it as you give it it will be given back to you, running and running over. My blessing will overflow in your life, and you will be a light to the Nations.
This is really a season where God is going to be downloading divine strategies straight into you for business passion projects and creative endeavors, and the Lord is saying, “stay close to Me and I will give you the blue prints. I will show you what to build and
how to build it, and when to build it. Do not rush ahead of Me, but trust My timing. My strategies will bring success that the world cannot match.
Proverbs 19:21 says, “many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
As you seek the Lord, His purpose will prevail in your life. He will guide you to opportunities that align with His will, and protect you from distractions.
The enemy wants you to believe that you are not capable, qualified, or worthy of success. But the Lord is saying to you right now. “you are chosen, you are anointed, you are equipped. I have placed My spirit within you, and nothing can stop what I have ordained for your life. Do not let fear or doubt hold you back. Step boldly into the calling that I have placed for you.”
Joshua 1:9 reminds us, “have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not not be afraid do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
***This is your moment to break free from the fear and step into this truth the Lord is calling you to step out in faith the
dreams I’ve given you will require courage.
do not wait until everything feels perfect step out in faith and I will meet you there seek wisdom seek my wisdom above all else do not rely on your own understanding but trust me to guide your decisions.
surround yourself with wise counsel and mentors who align with my principles honor me with your work whatever you do work at it with all your heart as you work for me and not for a man
when you honor me with your work I will bless it abundantly.
declare this over your life today I am Chosen and anointed by God for Success
the gifts and passions within me will prosper for God’s glory I receive Divine strategies and Supernatural flow for my business and work
I am Breaking Free From Fear and stepping boldly into my calling
God’s blessings are overflowing in my life and I will Steward them for his kingdom
Heavenly Father, we thank you for this anointing, we thank you for this anointing you are releasing over our lives.
thank you for the gifts, talents and passions you have placed within us
Lord, we commit our businesses, careers and dreams to you, and trust in you to guide and bless them
we declare that we are stepping into success not by our own strength but by your spirit father
Break Every Chain of fear doubt and insecurity that tries to hold us back pour out your favor and wisdom
help us to use our success to glorify you and bless others in Jesus’s mighty name
so this is your time. the anointing is here. you are going to be taken care of, you are going to be flourishing in areas of your
life that wildly beyond your imagination. success businesses creative projects Endeavors are all going to be flourishing and blooming in your life
Bible Quote from above
for it is you who have done it.
and he will grant you what your heart[a] desires.
Isaiah 60:1 New Catholic Bible
1 [a]Arise and shine forth, for your light has come
and the glory of the Lord has dawned upon you.
2 Even though darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness enshrouds the peoples,
upon you the Lord will shine,
and over you his glory will appear.
and your plans will turn out to be successful.
Another Message: Estelle Richter 11-22-24 YT
Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in him and he will do this – he will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the Noonday Sun.
God is saying to you beloved, “I see your heart, I see your struggles and your longing for change you’ve been asking for: ‘Lord when will I see the breakthrough? When will the promises you’ve given me come to pass?’
And I hear your cry. My answer to you today is simple: Trust me. Trusting in me isn’t about having all the answers or understanding the “why” behind every delay or challenge. Trust is about resting in my goodness even when the path forward seems unclear.
It’s about walking in faith knowing that I am your Shepherd and I am leading you to Green Pastures. Right now I invite you to trust in me and continue to do good. Keep showing up, keep sewing seeds of Love, kindness and faithfulness even if you can’t see the harvest yet.
Know that I am watering those seeds. The fruit will come and it will be more abundant than you can imagine. Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
What does it mean to dwell in the land? It means to remain present where I’ve placed you.
Stop looking for the next thing, the next opportunity or the next blessing to fulfill you. Right here, right now I am providing for you, I am sustaining you even if it feels like you’re in the wilderness. I am the one giving you safe pasture, a place of peace and provision in the midst of uncertainty.
Many times you’re tempted to rush ahead or to look around and compare your journey to others, but I am calling you to stay rooted where I’ve planted you. Trust that I am working even when you can’t see it. Rest in Me. Breathe deeply and remember that you are safe in my care.
You don’t have to strive. You don’t have to control. You simply need to dwell in my presence and let my peace guard your heart.
When it says take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart, this is not just a promise – it’s an invitation. I’m asking you to Delight in me to find joy in my presence.
So often your focus is on the outcome, the answer, or the blessing you’re waiting for. But I want your heart to be captivated by me first. When you delight in me you’ll begin to see that the true treasure is not in the “what” but in the “who.” I am your reward, I am your source of joy as you shift your focus from
circumstances to me your desires will begin to align with my heart. You’ll find that the things you’ve been longing for, the peace, the provision, and the purpose, they will flow naturally as you rest in my presence.
My word promises that I will give you the desires my word promises, that I will give you the desires of your heart. But those desires must be rooted in
me. Let me fill the empty spaces in your soul. Let me satisfy the longing in your spirit. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in him and he will do.
This commitment is not just a one-time act, it’s a daily surrender. When you commit your way to me, you’re saying Lord I give you my plans, I trust you with my dreams, I lay down my timeline, my expectations and my control. You are inviting in me to take the lead to guide your steps and to work everything out for your good.
Praise the Lord. You don’t have to carry the weight of figuring it all out. I am the one who orders your steps. I am the one who opens doors that no one can shut. Trust that as you commit your plans to me I will align everything according to my perfect will and my perfect will is always good, pleasing and perfect.
Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen immediately. I am not slow in keeping my promises. I am intentional. My timing is never late. He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn. Your vindication like the Noonday Sun.
You may feel unseen right now. You may feel like your efforts your faithfulness and your prayers are unnoticed, but I see you every act of obedience, every tear you’ve cried, every time you’ve chosen to trust me. It’s all being stored up and there will come a time when I will bring it all to light. Your righteousness will shine like the dawn. What was hidden will be revealed. What was sown in secret will be rewarded. Openly I will vindicate you.
You don’t need to defend yourself or prove your worth. I am the one who lifts you up when I move on your behalf it will be undeniable. It will be like the Noonday Sun, bright unmistakable and glorious. Hold on to this promise: I am working behind the scenes. At just the right time I will bring forth the Fulfillment of my plans for you and it will be beyond anything you could ask or imagine.
So my beloved, sit with this today. Trust me. Delight in me. Commit your way to me and wait patiently knowing that I am faithful. This season is not wasted. This waiting is not in vain. I am refining you, preparing you and aligning everything for my glory and your good.
You are not walking this journey alone. I am with you every step of the way. My spirit is guiding you, comforting you, and strengthening you. Keep your eyes on me and you will see my faithfulness unfold in ways that will leave you in awe.
I am the Lord your God and I will not fail you. Keep trusting. keep delighting, and keep committing because your Dawn is approaching.
Older Messages, Bible Teachings and Reflections
Push back with God’s Authority on the enemy’s waves, plans, destruction.
Refuse to stand on the shore and take every hit.
Hit them back, knock your enemies off their feet, knock them down, destroy their power with God’s Word
Put your shields up, arise, and pursue the enemy until he is defeated and you have recovered all.
Go forth with faith, decrees, and declarations on your lips.
Keep speaking into the atmosphere ‘Darkness and Evil has lost, Light and Justice has won!’ Challenge every lying report with the Truth.
Allow the Lord to help you stay alert in the spirit to this final push against the darkness.
Pray constantly in the Spirit.
Decree and declare.
Worship with all of your heart.
Stay connected to His presence so that you hear the battle strategies and are continually refreshed and strengthened in Him.
Don’t get sidetracked with distractions,
don’t get caught in meaningless debates,
and do not take the bait of offense.
As long as we are partnered with Him, we cannot lose!
Shields up—we’re going in!
Isaiah 54:17
– Every weapon fashioned against you shall fail;
every tongue that brings you to trial
you shall prove false.
What you focus your faith on is what you will receive.
Live out your faith,
– https://dianalarkin.blogspot.com/2024/02/february-29-2024-leap-into-fullness-you.html
BEWARE the voices of DOUBT that try to speak to you,
they are ASSIGNMENTS from the darkness.
Do not switch into Control Mode
– https://dianalarkin.blogspot.com/2024/01/january-29-2024-i-am-god-of-more-1.html
Don’t fight your battles alone,
or deal with circumstances by yourself.
I Am here waiting to help you.
Do not go by what you see.
Come to Me, and I will give you peace and rest.
I will take those burdens, shame, guilt, and weight away.
– https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/stand-strong-in-me-no-matter-what-you-are-about-to-see
I told you, My children, to use My Name,
the Name above every name, the Name of Jesus.
I said that Name scatters and shatters the power of the enemy.
Don’t complain about the situations you are in because now,
if you complain you will remain in them.
Rejoice despite them, despite what you see, what you feel, what your thoughts are telling you.
Don’t receive negativity or darkness coming upon the enemies of Almighty God.
That darkness is for the enemy, not for you.
It is judgment coming against the enemy.
You belong to Me. Stop complaining to stop remaining.
Do not give in or quit, because quitting guarantees you to lose.
Your adversary is guaranteed to lose because I destroyed his power over you.
Still, he tries to make you a loser to deceive you out of your victory.
But your Victory is already done, It is finished. So don’t grow weary in this time.
God promises great rewards for those who hold onto Him.
You Will see great rewards for standing with God.
Believe in Him, have faith and trust in God despite what you see.
– https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/the-end-is-near-2
Your job is to AGREE in FAITH as I tell you a NEW DAY has DAWNED,
and your job is to continue to BLOW every dark cloud BACK INTO THE Enemies CAMP.
– https://dianalarkin.blogspot.com/2023/12/december-18-2023-morning-has-broken-i.html
[Heard – June 23, 2024]
I am telling you this to stand and put on the armor I have given to you, to shout My Words and use My Authority and to watch the attacks come to nothing against you.
I have prepared My children for this time.
I have prepared you, anointed you, appointed you.
I have given you everything you need to protect your joy, your strength that I have already provided.
I AM the Prince of Peace and I AM always with you.
So remember PEACE already belongs to you.
TRUST and RELY on Me now, and not on your five physical senses.
Rely on My Words and not man’s.
This is the time to trust in Me and not anything that you see that’s against you.
It’s nothing compared to the Power and the Authority that I’ve given to you.
Your enemy’s power is nothing compared to Mine and I will remind you again I LIVE IN YOU.
No matter the collapse, no matter the darkness, no matter the lie and the narrative that they use, MY TRUTH WILL DESTROY IT ALL.
This is a time where things will appear unsettling, but you will see it’s for your enemies.
Walk as I’ve told you to walk, by Faith and not by sight. This is that time, saith the Lord.
Know your authority.
Know your authority children of Almighty God.
Know the authority that I have given to you.
Know that the days that you are living in are days that you have to stay alert,
stay awake and stay prepared.
Your enemies are on the prowl seeking who they can destroy.
But if you know your authority they cannot destroy you.
If you know your authority that I have given to you, they are afraid of you.
So My children, stand firm on the Authority and My blood covenant that I have given to you.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I am the Way, the only way that you need.
In this time when the battle intensifies, the battle seems long and the battle seems like it’s drawing on and on and carrying on and on. Just know I AM YOUR EVERYTHING.
When you know My Authority that I have given to you,
when you know that you KNOW that you KNOW that the enemy is through.
When you KNOW the Power of that RESURRECTION OF JESUS that lives on the inside of you,
if you know that Power and you know that Authority and you know that all of hell quivers at the sound of that Name.
When you know that Jesus has disarmed your enemies,
when you know and you are fully convinced and nothing will turn you away from that,
more Power will come through your mouths.
More Power will come through your hands.
More Power.
Tap in.
Tap in.
These are the days to Tap in.
Tap into My Strength.
Tap into My Anointing.
Tap into that Power.
Tap into that Resurrection Power that raises people from the dead.
Tap into that Power that destroys the power of death.
Tap into that Power that destroys the power of evil.
Tap into it.
Tap into that Power that gives life into your bodies.
Tap into that Power that gives health into your flesh.
Tap into that Power where there is no lack.
Tap into My Power, where you will need that strength in this hour.
Tap into My Power.
Know your authority.
Know who I Am.
Be fully convinced that your enemies are through.
Be fully convinced that I Am in you.
Be fully convinced of My Power and My Authority and My Dominion that I have given over to you, that I work through you.
I Am in you.
Be fully convinced.
I Am in you.
Don’t look to the left. Don’t look to the right.
Don’t look to govts. Don’t look to anyone else.
Look to Me.
I Am in you
and I’m the Most High God
and I’m the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Don’t just know this and hear it,
but really know it and really hear it
Why do you think I said in My Word, “If you have ears to hear, hear.”
Don’t let the enemy steal these words.
Know your strength.
Know your authority and know the enemy is underneath your feet and know the enemies are already defeated.
Your mindsets will change.
Your attitudes will change,
and your victory will come quicker.
So get to know it and get to know who I really am and get to know the GREAT I AM saith the Lord.
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”
Psalm 112:6-8
Surely the righteous will never be shaken . . . They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight
Proverbs 3:25-26
Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”
I LOVE to HEAR your voice speaking to Me.
When you turn your FACE to My FACE and SEEK My PRESENCE,
it MOVES MY HEART, and I will DRAW NEAR to you.
You can talk to me like a FRIEND.
Share your SORROWS, your JOYS,
I will tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU,
and I will UNFOLD IDEAS and SOLUTIONS for your challenges.
As you TUNE to the FREQUENCY of My heart,
you will receive CREATIVE IDEAS, and I can show you things in the spiritual realm.
– https://dianalarkin.blogspot.com/2024/03/march-4-2024-pleasure-of-your-company-i.html
My gentle Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd. You love me and search for me with diligence and fidelity. May I trust You enough to stop running from You and hiding from Your gentle voice. Please come to me, pick me up and carry me home. Jesus, I trust in You.
My miraculous Lord, please draw me to Yourself, teaching in the wilderness of my interior life of silence and solitude. Help me to seek You out so that I can hear Your Word, spoken to me to give me new life. May I always listen to You so that Your holy Word will transform me more fully, making me into the new creation You desire me to be.
DL November 15, 2024